High-Power Laser Weapons Beam Control and Opto-mechanical Subsystems Design

High-Power Laser Weapons Beam Control and Opto-mechanical Subsystems Design

Beam Path Conditioning Subsystems Design

Beam Path Conditioning Subsystems Design

Structural Modal Analysis & Eigenvalue Extraction to support Line-of-Sight (LOS) Modeling and Controls

Structural Modal Analysis & Eigenvalue Extraction to support Line-of-Sight (LOS) Modeling and Controls

Random Vibration and Crash Loading FEA of Aerial, Naval, and Ground-based Systems

Random Vibration and Crash Loading FEA of Aerial, Naval, and Ground-based Systems

Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response Weapons

Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response Weapons

High Power Microwaves (HPM) Weapon Subsystems

High Power Microwaves (HPM) Weapon Subsystems

Airborne Gimbal Design and Development

Airborne Gimbal Design and Development

Military Ground-based Gimbal Design and Development

Military Ground-based Gimbal Design and Development