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Improving the Design-to-Manufacture Process

Design-to-manufacture workflow is crucial as it relates to improving communication and efficiency within a company. What does design-to-manufacture mean? The short answer is that there are lots of different thoughts on this process. The one that is correct is the one that works best for your company and procedures and focuses on the reduction of extra steps as an idea goes from concept through validation to the customer. Learn more 


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5 Ways to Increase Manufacturability

There is more than one way to design a part and several factors at play: the part’s intended function, the raw material best suited to that function, available equipment, and skilled technicians, and the time-frame for production.

Beyond these, DFM and DFA emphasize ways to make parts more efficiently (i.e. faster and with less scrap), stronger and more durable, with less risk of damage during fabrication, and as error-proof as possible during assembly. The benefit to you? Money saved and faster production. Learn more