Industry 4.0 and Smart Industry are prompting the emergence of new production methods, new business models and new sectors. What was new a year ago may now be considered outdated. These innovations are all characterized by smart production processes.
Flexibility is another key concept that characterizes these changes in the machining industry. Products with varying specifications are produced at different volumes and with different lead times, in a fully automated process. Besides moving a wider range of products, the products are also cleaned, deburred, turned over or clamped, all within the same system. You’ll see that you and your competition can keep ramping up the efficiency and speed of your manufacturing.
In the Industry 4.0 era, your machines will be capable of seamless communication with automation solutions, and will continuously report their status. This applies to both the short term (“What am I producing now?”) and the long term (“Which components are showing signs of wear?”). In brief, the result is a highly streamlined, predictable and therefore more profitable manufacturing process. Learn more